
How to Get Started with Blockchain Development

By Glare on May 24, 2023
A person using a laptop with blockchain icons on the screen

Blockchain development is one of the hottest and most lucrative skills in the tech industry. A blockchain developer is someone who creates and maintains applications that run on blockchain technology. Blockchain technology is a system that stores and transfers data in a decentralized, distributed, and secure way. Blockchain technology can be used for various purposes such as cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, supply chain management, digital identity, voting systems, etc.

According to LinkedIn, blockchain development was the most in-demand skill in 2020, and it continues to be in high demand in 2023. According to ZipRecruiter, the average salary of a blockchain developer in the US is $154,550 per year. Moreover, according to Glassdoor, there are over 14,000 open positions for blockchain developers worldwide.

So how can you get started with blockchain development and land your dream job in the tech industry? Here are some steps to help you get started:

Learn the basics of blockchain technology

Before you dive into blockchain development, you need to learn the basics of blockchain technology. This means understanding what blockchain is, how it works, and what are its benefits and challenges.

Blockchain is a system that stores and transfers data in a decentralized, distributed, and secure way. Blockchain consists of a network of nodes (computers) that communicate and validate transactions using cryptography and consensus algorithms. Blockchain stores data in blocks that are linked together by hashes (unique codes) to form a chain. Blockchain ensures that data is immutable (cannot be changed), transparent (can be seen by anyone), and trustless (does not require intermediaries).

Blockchain can be used for various purposes such as cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, supply chain management, digital identity, voting systems, etc. Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that use blockchain technology to create and transfer value without intermediaries. Smart contracts are self-executing agreements that use blockchain technology to enforce rules and conditions without intermediaries. Supply chain management is the process of managing the flow of goods and services from production to consumption. Blockchain technology can improve supply chain management by increasing efficiency, transparency, and security. Digital identity is the representation of a person or entity online. Blockchain technology can improve digital identity by providing more control, privacy, and security. Voting systems are the methods of conducting elections and referendums. Blockchain technology can improve voting systems by reducing fraud, corruption, and manipulation.

Blockchain technology also has some challenges such as scalability, interoperability, regulation, education, and adoption. Scalability is the ability of a system to handle increasing amounts of data or users without compromising performance or security. Blockchain technology faces scalability challenges due to its decentralized and distributed nature, which limits its speed and capacity. Interoperability is the ability of different systems to communicate and exchange data with each other. Blockchain technology faces interoperability challenges due to its diversity and fragmentation, which hinders its integration and collaboration. Regulation is the set of rules and laws that govern a system or activity. Blockchain technology faces regulation challenges due to its novelty and complexity, which creates uncertainty and inconsistency. Education is the process of acquiring knowledge and skills. Blockchain technology faces education challenges due to its technicality and unfamiliarity, which creates a gap between supply and demand. Adoption is the process of accepting and using a new system or technology. Blockchain technology faces adoption challenges due to its resistance and inertia, which hampers its growth and impact.

You can learn the basics of blockchain technology online through various courses, tutorials, and resources. Some popular platforms for learning blockchain technology are:

  • Coursera
  • Udemy
  • edX
  • FutureLearn
  • Khan Academy

Choose a blockchain platform

Once you have learned the basics of blockchain technology, you can move on to choosing a blockchain platform. A blockchain platform is a software framework that allows you to create and deploy blockchain applications. A blockchain platform provides you with tools and services such as programming languages, libraries, APIs, SDKs, IDEs, etc.

There are many blockchain platforms to choose from, but some of the most popular ones are:

  • Ethereum
  • Hyperledger Fabric
  • Corda
  • Stellar
  • Tron

Each platform has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you need to do some research and find out which one suits your needs and preferences.

You can learn about different blockchain platforms online through various courses, tutorials, and resources. Some popular platforms for learning about blockchain platforms are:

  • Coursera
  • Udemy
  • edX
  • FutureLearn
  • Khan Academy

Build projects

The best way to learn blockchain development is by building projects. Projects allow you to apply what you have learned and showcase your skills and creativity.

You can start by building simple projects that use basic blockchain concepts such as creating and transferring tokens, writing and deploying smart contracts, or interacting with a blockchain network. Then, you can gradually move on to more complex projects that use advanced blockchain features such as creating and launching your own cryptocurrency, building and running your own decentralized application (DApp), or integrating with other systems or technologies.

Some examples of projects you can build are:

  • A token faucet
  • A crowdfunding platform
  • A voting system
  • A supply chain management system
  • A digital identity system

You can find inspiration and ideas for projects online through various platforms such as CryptoZombies, Ethernauts, Chainshot, Dapp University, and ConsenSys Academy.

You can also use platforms such as GitHub, Truffle Suite, Remix IDE, or Infura to host your projects online and share them with others.

Keep learning

Blockchain development is an ever-changing field that requires constant learning and updating. New technologies, tools, and trends emerge every day that can affect your work and career. Therefore, you need to keep learning new skills and improving your existing ones.

You can keep learning by following online courses, tutorials, and resources that cover the latest developments in blockchain development. Some popular platforms for keeping up with new skills are:

  • Coursera
  • Udemy
  • edX
  • FutureLearn
  • Khan Academy

You can also keep learning by reading blogs, articles, books, podcasts, and newsletters that cover the latest news and insights on blockchain development. Some popular sources for keeping up with new trends are:

  • CoinDesk
  • Cointelegraph
  • The Block
  • Hacker Noon
  • The Blockchain Developer Podcast

Blockchain development is an exciting and rewarding career path that offers many opportunities and challenges. By following these steps and tips you can get started with blockchain development in 2023 and beyond!

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